Don’t look back

Don’t look back, I won’t be waiting for you. You may see my faded silhouette but beneath the fog there lies no soul. She moved on. You only see an illusion of what you perceive. We all seem to find it hard to let go of things we become accustomed too. Material things can be replaced. You can’t replace a soul, we’re irreplaceable. Find a way to let me go.

If I had taken you for granted then it would be hard for me too, you see, I became able and willing. All those years ago, when you chose to disregard you unknowingly nudged me down this very path.  The little steps became bigger strides and before you knew it I was part of another world.

I didn’t permit my ego to overpower my aura.  I chose empathy over ego.  I choose compassion over spite.  I never allowed that behavior to enter my atmosphere.  I couldn’t watch one suffer yet I never saw you as a threat to my own misery. You forget how you treated another human in your anguish.  Unmeant words still tarnish, long after they are spoken they still hover over the wounds. You forget the words that broke a spirit. You simply forget.

Do you know what self sabotage looks like? You should have gazed at me a while longer. If you had focused a little harder on the parts of me that didn’t resonate with you, you would have had a glimpse of how prematurely that side of me wilted. A glimpse of my heart would have shown you how quickly it morphed into stone.   I admit at times the hurt became so puncturing I wasn’t sure I would make it. The wounds became so raw but tolerance too is a mighty trait. It wasn’t hard for me, moving on, when the wretched mistreatments are set aside one walks a path of solitude with ease. Because like everything else in life, it came to go.

Karma says you will be hurt over again by the same person until you learn the lesson of letting go. Don’t look back, I won’t be there waiting, I let karma hold my hand and it led the way and that is how easily I let go. I don’t look back because it’s not where I’m going.